Blogging about development aid
Duncan Green keeps a very informing and interesting blog about all kinds of topics related to development aid:
Duncan Green keeps a very informing and interesting blog about all kinds of topics related to development aid:
Outcome Harvesting is the new booming methodology to use in development aid in order to find systematically tell the tale of your organisation's achievements (or better yet: your organisation's contributions) to the changes in the world (hopefully for the better).
Shrinking Space is a term which is coined more and more often among Civil Society Organisations and even some government departments in some countries dare to confirm there is a shrinking space for Civil Society to operate. The organisations then mainly talk about situations in the so-called less developed countries of the world.
Een interessante en leuke presentatie door Jitske Kramer op TedX Almere over: hoe werkt dat nou diversiteit en inclusie op de werkvloer? Een belangrijke vraag waar veel organisaties mee stoeien, niet alleen om een diverse organisatie te creeeren (want daardoor wordt je als organisatie wendbaarder en weerbaarder tegen crises), maar ook om in een diverse organisatie te zorgen voor inclusie van verschillen tussen mensen.
Jitske komt met 8 tips.
Chris Blattman has written a very nice blog about the questions to pose when setting up projects and programmes and when evaluating them: "Why “what works?” is the wrong question: Evaluating ideas not programs".
A very nice method to gather qualitative data in an evaluation including "field work" is the Focus Group Discussion. It can give insights into the why of more quantitative data. Additionally, as it is a qualitative interview with a group of people, it can also give you more insight into group dynamics.
The SocialCops Blog gives a very nice explanation of the when and howto of a Focus Group Discussion:
Management Executive is een een tijdschrift en een website gericht op het hogere management en op adviseurs. In Management Executive verschijnen allerlei artikelen uit de managementliteratuur, zoals over verandermanagement, innovatie binnen je bedrijf, stijlen in leidinggeven, etc.
Het archief van artikelen is "tijdelijk" vrij toegankelijk en interessant om eens rond te snuffelen.
Because no-one has the right to do this to any other person, please sign this Avaaz petition and hope it will bring us one step further to a righteous world:
Saba Qaiser survived an attempt on her life by her own father and uncle in a so-called 'honor killing' and Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy made a documentary out of her story and thus gained important exposure to the presence of honor killings and its implications in Pakistani and other cultures. The documentary A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness is nominated for an Oscar in the Academy Awards.
Watch the trailer:
TRAILER - A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness from Sharmeen Obaid Films on Vimeo.
The short movie "Keep Dancing" by Greg Vander Veer about two professional balletdansers Marge Champion and Donald Saddler is a beautiful tribute to aging and old age.
Watch it while it is still free to do so.